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ECUADOR 2019 -  DAY 9


DAY 1 DAY 2  |  DAY 3  |  DAY 4  |  DAY 5 DAY 6  |  DAY 7  |  DAY 8  |  DAY 9 

We left Wildsumaco after breakfast to drive on to San Isidro Reserve.  We stopped rather early to eat our boxed lunches at Wayra Reserve in order to try to photograph the Rufous-throated Sapphire, a bird that is not very commonly seen.  Unfortunately there was a heavy rain here the night before which made most of the trails extremely muddy and rather dangerous.  I fell twice, but saved the camera equipment!  Our guide should probably have checked this trail out before letting any of us on it. 

Wayra had lots of Violet-headed and Black-throated Mango hummers feeding on the many Verbena plants on the property.  There was also an appearance by a Glittering-throated Emerald, but I did not see it or photograph it, so it doesn't count for me.  This is a bird I need to find in the future. 

After we ate and climbed back down, our guide spotted the Rufous-throated
Sapphire feeding on the Verbena plants right next to where the van was parked!  The bird had a very wet tail but stuck around long enough for a few photos.

Some of the gang on the veranda

Cabañas San Isidro is our host Tom Wood's favorite place to stay, so I was excited about our arrival here.  The place did not disappoint!

The reserve is in the Quijos Valley, one of the westernmost headwaters of the Amazon basin.  It is located in Napo province on the eastern side of the Andes and is situated between two national parks.  The zone is mostly blanketed by humid forest at an elevation of 6,800 ft (2,050m).

The food was outstanding. A veranda offers views of several hummingbird feeders and trees where the perched hummers could easily be photographed. 

View from my room

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This darling Masked Trogon was not afraid of people.  She would perch very close to the veranda and at times she would even sit on the railing.  She would not fly away unless you actually tried to reach out and touch her.  Notice her serrated bill.  This girl has teeth!

Speckled hummingbird

Chestnut-breasted Coronet

Chestnut-breasted Coronet

Gorgeted Woodstar

Fawn-breasted Brilliant

Fawn-breasted Brilliant

Sheri L. Williamson & Tom Wood singing the Birdwatcher's Lament "I'll fly away!"

We left San Isidro the next morning to make our way back to the Puembo Birding Garden and then home.  We were going to stop at the pass for another shot at the Ecuadorian Hillstar, but it was much too windy.  


Thank you Sheri and Tom for a great tour and thank you and Bill and Marshall Howe, Elaine Lord, Linda Moreau, Candace Temple, and Marie and Johnny Kenehan for the great company!

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