1.There are approximately 350 species of hummingbirds in the world.
2. They only exist in the Americas, most of them in South America.
3. The country with the most species of hummingbirds is Columbia with 153 species. Ecuador is second with 133 and Peru is third with 130.
4. Only seventeen of them breed in the United States and eight of them make it up to breed in Canada.
5. None of them have made it to Hawaii, but two (Rufous and Anna's) regularly breed in Alaska.
6. Only the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird is a regular East Coast migrator.
7. Rufous Hummingbirds have the longest migration route, which goes from Mexico north along the Pacific coast all the way up to Alaska. They follow a different return route through the Rocky and Sierra Mountains, and are now even reported further East and down to Louisiana.
8. Hummingbirds on average can fly 25 miles per hour on wings that beat an average of 50 times per second and as high as 200 times per second.
9. Hummingbird wings move in a figure of eight pattern. This gives them lift on both sides of their wings, allowing them to hover, fly backwards and upside down.
10. The hummingbird heart can beat up to 1,260 beats per minute.
11. Hummingbirds cannot smell, but they see so well they can see in the ultraviolet range.
12. Hummingbirds get their protein from insects. They drink nectar to give them energy to go after their REAL food
13. To conserve energy hummingbirds go into torpor, which is a kind of hibernation at night. During nightly torpor their heart rate and respirations slow and they lose 10% of their body weight.
14. Hummingbirds live an average of 3-5 years. The longest lived banded hummingbird on record was 12 years 2 months between recordings.
15. Hummingbirds cannot walk. They can move along a branch while perched. If their feet were big enough to allow them to walk, they would not be able to fly as well as they do.
16. The smallest hummingbird, the Bee Hummingbird, is found only in Cuba.
17. The largest hummingbird, the Giant Hummingbird, is found in the Andes Mountains.
18. The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird has to fly a long distance over the Gulf of Mexico to get to its breeding grounds.
19. Hummingbirds can cross breed to produce hybrids. One such cross between an Anna's and a Magnificent produced a bird with a yellow head.
20. The beak of the Sword-Billed Hummingbird of the Andes Mountains is longer than its body.
21. Hummingbird tongues are forked and contain tubules which close around the nectar.
22. The brightly colored gorget (neck) feathers on the male are used to attract the female. These feathers are actually not colored, but reflect light to appear iridescent, much in the way that an oil slick will produce a color pattern while floating on water.
23. A male hummingbird will mate with as many females as will have him.
24. Male hummingbirds mate and run. The female is responsible for building the nest, feeding and raising the young.
25. The female will protect the nest even from her mate.
26. After the baby hummingbirds are fledged, they will be fed by the mother for about a week. They are then chased away to find their own food source.


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