Join Our Community of Hummingbird Spotters
Hummingbird Spot is more than a place to enjoy Hummingbirds. We are a spot to meet, interact and even have fun competition with other Hummingbird lovers. Our members are called Hummingbird Spotters! We are people that love these amazing birds and love to share this passion with others. Our Facebook community is a central location for our members to gather everyday and find something new to stay active with the Hummingbirds. And the best place to share information, pictures and tips from different parts of the America's.

Hummingbird Spotter Events
Hummingbird Spotter Events are a great place to make friends. Our Facebook Lives will have our community members interacting in real time. As well, we feature our members during these events so the community gets to know Hummingbird Spotter members all over the US and South America! Don't miss out on the live events!

Hummingbird Spotter Contests and Competitions
Our contest are a fun way to get to know other Hummingbird Spotters!
Award Winning Spotters - (Most unique Hummingbird experiences, pictures and adventures)
Award Winning Hummingbird Backyard Restaurants
Award Winning Hummingbird Backyard Spas
Award Winning Hummingbird Photography
LIVE AWARD SHOWS - Online 4 times per year

Become a Hummingbird Community Influencer
Our most active community members get a special status as a Hummingbird Spotter Community Influencer. Whether commenting on posts or making their own, these members are passionate Hummingbird Lovers that make our community special. We include these members on live group interviews and also recognize them with special influencer awards.


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