Love is in the Air
Both the Anna’s and the Allen’s Hummingbirds are beginning their springtime displays over the deck in Studio City. It’s that time of the...

A Costa’s or a Costa’s x Anna’s Hybrid Joins the Studio City Gang!
A male Costa’s Hummingbird has joined the Studio City Gang! Costa’s are seen occasionally along coastal California during the summer, but...

Earthcam’s “25 Most Interesting Webcams of 2017”
Congratulations to the Studio City Hummingbirds Webcam for making Earthcam’s “25 Most Interesting Webcams of 2017” list. Here in Studio...

The Praying Mantis Has Found Her Territory
It seems that my Praying Mantis has claimed one of the bee water dishes as her territory. She was there last night and again tonight. I...

Bye Bye Mr. Squirrel!
I had to take some action this morning. In order to control the bee population, I have had to temporarily change all of my vacuum feeders...

ANOTHER Praying Mantis on the Cam?!
Hmmm. The other one mated and disappeared (off to make her egg sac, no doubt) and now another hungry female native Bordered Mantis showed...